Search Engines for Pentesters


Knowing that the target is built with PHP, Laravel, and MySQL allows the pentester to determine which type of exploit to use against it.

It is critical to understand how to locate or discover subdomains related to the target domain.

You can use the Lookup API to get information about the target, or you can try their commercial product called domain profiler. nmmapper searches for subdomains using native reconnaissance tools such as Sublister, DNScan, Lepus, and Amass.

Fuzzer discovers hidden files and directories by using a custom-built wordlist.

It allows you to perform a light or full scan for hidden resources.

Pentest Tools includes over 20 tools for data collection, website security testing, infrastructure scanning, and exploit assistance.

Shodan searches the internet’s invisible parts for information on internet-connected devices. Packet Storm is a security service that publishes current and historical security articles and tools.

Exploit-DB is an Offensive Security project that collects public submissions of exploits for penetration testing

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