Sloane Crosley discusses nitpicking, religion and the disgusting ooze of social media


In Sloane Crosley’s novel, a who’s who of Lola’s ex-boyfriends emerges from the great beyond.

Her entire dating history seems to have converged within a two-mile radius of her Manhattan apartment.

Definitely starry and strange. But it’s also an empathetic piece about self-confidence, anxiety, and feeling stupid in new places. Cult Classic is Lola Crosley’s debut novel, and it explores the modern desire to find meaning in every experience.

An early reveal in the novel confirms that Lola’s encounters are not random, but rather the result of a wellness cult.

Cult Classic shines brightest when it reveals how chaotic so many of us have become.

Sloane Crosley’s portrayal of New York is one of abandoned buildings, insane billionaires, and a media climate on life support.

Crosley believes her book could have been written in a different era, but she believes our modern relationship with social media is essential to it.

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