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Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 trailer surfaces online


A new Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 trailer has surfaced online.

This is the first of its kind, and Epic Games has yet to confirm it.


The video, on the other hand, is from a verified account and unquestionably fits the ongoing story.

A new Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 trailer has surfaced online.


The popular video includes five more Marvel superheroes, which is appropriate for Season 4.

Zero Wars is a comic book series published by Epic Games and Marvel. This is the first leak of its kind, and Epic Games has not confirmed it.

The Fortnite Season 4 teaser has been partially leaked online.

The authenticity of the leak has not been confirmed by Epic Games, but it unquestionably fits the ongoing story.

So far, this is the only leak of its kind, and Epic Games has not confirmed it.

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